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The Time For Change Is Now

Our Partnership With ONETREEPLANTED®

The average person takes 20,000 breaths per day, without ever stopping to think of what makes it possible. Our partnership with ONETREEPLANTED® non-profit allows us to make an impact on your behalf. We guarantee a one-for-one model which is simple, easy, and effective. You purchase one product, we plant one tree.


Cleaning Your


The world’s forests absorb a third of global emissions every year. Particles, odours and pollutant gases such as nitrogen oxides, ammonia and sulphur dioxide settle on the leaves of a tree. Trees absorb these toxic chemicals through their stomata, or ‘pores’, effectively filtering these chemicals from the air. Trees also mitigate the greenhouse gas effect by trapping heat, reducing ground-level ozone levels and releasing life-giving oxygen. If we continue with our current rate of deforestation, it will have severe consequences on the quality of our air.


Cleaning Your


The chemical makeup of water, as it passes through a forest ecosystem, changes. It gets cleaner because the soil filters out substances such as mercury, pesticides and other pollutants. Forest cover slows down soil erosion and delays the release of water into streams, helping stabilize the quality and quantity of water in the area. Additionally, forests recharge and maintain the quality of groundwater which is the only source of drinking water in certain parts of the world.


Our Forests First


All reforestation efforts focus on the most affected Canadian provinces first. To know where help is needed most we factor in pollution, deforestation, flooding, & more. You purchase one product, we plant one tree on your behalf. It's honestly that simple. We update our tree counter regularly so be rest assured your purchase will add to the total impact we have made together since inception.


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